Baljer & Zembrod gets TOP 100 status

Baljer & Zembrod once again among the TOP 100

Freshly crowned innovation champion once again: Baljer & Zembrod GmbH & Co. KG from Altshausen has received the TOP 100 seal 2024. Only particularly innovative medium-sized companies are honoured with this award. Science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar will personally congratulate Baljer & Zembrod on this success at the award ceremony on 28 June 2024 in Weimar. Yogeshwar has been mentoring the TOP 100 innovation competition for twelve years.

On behalf of compamedia, organiser of the TOP 100 innovation competition, the innovation researcher Prof. Nikolaus Franke and his team examined Baljer & Zembrod's capacity for innovation.   The researchers looked at more than 100 test criteria across five categories: Innovation-promoting top management, innovation climate, innovative processes and organisation, external orientation/open innovation and innovation success. And are these achievements just coincidences or the result of a structured and targeted approach? These are the questions the experts analyse at TOP 100, says Nikolaus Franke, explaining his approach to the review. It is also important how and whether innovations and product improvements have been able to establish themselves on the market. Baljer & Zembrod came out on top in the scientific selection process and is one of the top innovators for the second time. The company specialises in plant engineering. The company has made a name for itself primarily in the field of electrically powered handling technology in both the timber and recycling industries. In Altshausen in southern Germany, Baljer & Zembrod is a medium-sized company with around 80 dedicated and professional employees that develops and produces its electrically powered special-purpose machines. With over 60 years of experience in the use of electric drives and the consistent further development of its machines, the company creates important innovations that harmonise ecology and economy. "We are constantly expanding our market leadership with state-of-the-art technologies," says the innovation-orientated Managing Director Peter Schaeidt. This claim is fulfilled by a constant stream of new woodworking machines and electrically powered machines for the recycling sector.

TOP 100: the competition

Ranga Yogeshwar

Since 1993, compamedia has been awarding medium-sized enterprises TOP 100 status for special innovative capacity and outstanding innovation success. Since 2002, the scientific direction has been guided by Prof. Nikolaus Franke. Franke is the founder and CEO of the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the University of Vienna. With 26 research awards and over 200 publications, he is among the leading innovation researchers internationally. Science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar is the mentor for the TOP 100. The Fraunhofer Society for the Advancement of Applied Research and the Association for Small and Medium-sized Businesses BVMW act as project partners. The magazines "manager magazin" and "impulse" offer support as media partners for the corporate ranking.

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